Frequently Asked Questions

What is synthetic data?

Synthetic data is artificially created data that mimics real-world data. It can be used for a variety of purposes, such as testing software, training machine learning models, and generating reports.

What is Yadget’s synthetic data generation capabilities?

Yadget can generate synthetic data for a variety of use cases. For example, it can generate synthetic customer data for testing software, synthetic financial data for training machine learning models, and synthetic product data for generating reports.

What are the benefits of using Yadget’s synthetic data generation capabilities?

There are a number of benefits to using Yadget’s synthetic data generation capabilities. These include:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Yadget is a cost-effective way to generate synthetic data. This is because it does not require the purchase of real-world data, which can be expensive.
  • Speed: Yadget can generate synthetic data much faster than it is possible to collect and preprocess real-world data. This can save time and money.
  • Flexibility: Yadget can generate synthetic data that is tailored to specific needs. This flexibility can help to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of testing, training, and reporting.

How do I use Yadget’s synthetic data generation capabilities?

To use Yadget’s synthetic data generation capabilities, you will need to create an account and navigate to the Generator page.  

For the default number of records of less than 10,000 rows, you do not even need to create an account and register.

You can select the type of synthetic data you want to generate and the number of records for the generation. Select the type of format that you want the output in and press “Generate” button.

Yadget will then generate the synthetic data and prompt you for a location to save the output.

I hope this helps!